Friday, June 17, 2011

Getting back to the basics

So we are all still settling in and getting used to our new place. It hasn't even been a week yet but in crazy way it is starting to feel like home.
Kaela drew this at school a few weeks ago and I don't know about oyu but I think it looks just like the original. She is quite the artist. She said, "mom when we move can we become farmers and can we get a cow for the backyard?" I told her that a cow needs more room but we will get some chickens for now and plant a garden and she was so excited. I told Aram that we could probably have a cow in our backyard and no one would complain?? We will start with chickens.

Kaela's beautiful drawing (She is only 6)

Chickpeas soaking
Aram and I have been vegetarians during the week and then we will eat some meat on the weekends but we have been feeling so much healthier. We are eating a lot of tofu, bean salads and couscous. I am starting to soak our own beans and I think it is saving us $, healthier and tasting so much better.
Easy steps on soaking beans: (I soak them the long way it gets me planning our meals)
1. Measure out your beans (Every 1 cup dry bean = 2 cups of cooked) pick out discolored or broken ones
2. Add water & Soak overnight 6-12hrs (Every 1 cup of bean = 2 cups of water) *Tip: You can use the same pot you will be cooking it in
3. Cook the beans bringing them to a boil for 1-2 min
4. Remove them from the heat cover and let them sit for an hour
5. Rinse then use for any recipe

Here is the recipe I used for our chickpeas

Some of our bulk food. Almonds, Cranberries/pecans for oatmeal, Oatmeal, Beans and Couscous.

1 comment:

  1. next you have to start sprouting lentils. its AMAZING!! they taste great and look really rad.
